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Google did not expect Google to make eye-to-face appearances

Believe that some fans already know some useful features on some Google search services. But because Google's functionality provides a wealth of experience, it's not easy to find out, so this page we've taken from Search mode to enjoy entertainment. Find this one at a time.

To apply the result, you first need to sign into Google's search service, www.google.com, and enter the following terms:

1. Write "Do a barrel roll" in the search box and press Enter, and you will see that page rotate once

2. "Google gravity" and select Search results at the top of the page, you will see floating labels falling under a distinctive spell.

3. Google has a mysterious game that plugs into silent Chrome apps. Are You Interested In The Small Dinosaur One Will Come Up When Your Computer Out Of The Internet? You can start this game as an offline entertainment. It's a game of jumping obstacles, a thornbush, and pressing Space to jump.

4. Write "Super Mario Bros" and enter, you will see a collection of Retro games show up, you can click into the game of fungus. Simple without having to install the computer.

5. If you write "Zerg Rush" in the Search box, it will see a small red circle called Google O will destroy the data. Available on Google Chrome Screenshots as you can back up by clicking on Squares.
Google did not expect Google to make eye-to-face appearances Google did not expect Google to make eye-to-face appearances Reviewed by virak on October 10, 2017 Rating: 5

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