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Japanese scientists are keenly interested in extracting seawater from being a source of electricity

Today, the use of electricity is an essential requirement for our daily living, and therefore, the need for resources Nature has steadily increased, particularly coal, coal and petroleum, which are rarely and rarely come back when we use it. But for advanced nations such as Japan, they are trying to recycle renewable energy, such as sunlight, wind power, rainfall, water waves, and heat, and convert it into electricity for reuse and reduce waste of natural resources.

Now, Japan seems to be keen on investing in electric-powered investment. Because they have discovered that sea tides are the best source of electricity, because they are less affected by nature, less costly to invest, but they get a great deal of energy and a lasting energy that we can use endlessly.

Since 2012, Japan's Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology has been actively trying to make Turbines in the water to re-energize it from the turbines when the waves blow them up and claim that each turbine can be used for at least 10 years, greatly contributing to the investment. Tsumoru Shintake, from the Okinawa Institute, said in a statement that only 1% of Japan's coastal area could grow turbines and generate about 10 gigawats of energy, equivalent to 10 times the nuclear power.
Japanese scientists are keenly interested in extracting seawater from being a source of electricity Japanese scientists are keenly interested in extracting seawater from being a source of electricity Reviewed by virak on October 03, 2017 Rating: 5

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