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LG delivers a flexible and flexible OLED transparent Transparent OLED screen

LG recently unveiled the world's largest flexible flexible flexible glass display system, OLED and transparent. From one side to the other. The screen is 77 inches, with a 3820x2160x Ultra HD display and 40% transparency and 80mm radios.

This means that the screen can be rolled into a cylinder shape or into a pipe-like shape without affecting it. Screen resolution, which will provide the potential for marketing use and purpose. Flexible Display technology has been attracted by a number of major electronics companies trying to develop in the last few years. But it has not yet been produced as a result of problems related to electronic distribution to the supply of the display.

LG may be a struggling company trying to produce a flexible, modern display that precedes the prototype of the flexible OLED 77-inch display. It's not the first time that LG has shown a folding screen pattern, but this new screen is bigger than the larger screen. Previously, or even called the biggest bending screen in the world for the time being.

In 2014, LG has also unveiled an OLED bending screen

It has only 18 "flexible OLED panels with a radius of 30 millimeters. In the next two years, Korean companies have continued to produce 55-inch OLED screens with 40% transparency.
LG delivers a flexible and flexible OLED transparent Transparent OLED screen LG delivers a flexible and flexible OLED transparent Transparent OLED screen Reviewed by virak on October 08, 2017 Rating: 5

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