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Galaxy Note 8 appears to have hit a record 800,000 pre-orders in Korea

Could be a positive sign for Samsung's forthcoming Galaxy Note 8 smartphone, with a new report saying the number of bookings Note 8 from subscribers has increased to 800,000 units in South Korea only.

We've just heard a few days ago that Samsung has received sharply orders on its new iPad in the US, and when This consonants continues to be in the home of the Korean company. The new report shows that the Note 8 has received strong support from around 80,000 customers.

Samsung has begun ordering the Galaxy Note 8 from September 7, so far, the company has received registration. There are 80,000 customers in South Korea. That's twice the number compared to the previous generation notebook, which holds 380,000 units in 13 days.

Samsung suffered from the Galaxy Note 7 last year, with a serious battery life threatening to recapture the company. The Note 8 does not seem to have any problems, or because it's in the wrong place Consumers have yet to find the problem yet. It is believed that the issue will not happen on the same battery as the Note 7

Galaxy Note 8 appears to have hit a record 800,000 pre-orders in Korea Galaxy Note 8 appears to have hit a record 800,000 pre-orders in Korea Reviewed by virak on October 01, 2017 Rating: 5

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