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Two of the Galaxy S9 are in the production line waiting to be launched next year 2018

We expect the Galaxy S9 to be unveiled until the beginning of next year, but now it's rumored Galaxy Galaxy S9. The S8 has begun to lift. According to the new report, there will be two Galaxy S9 models coming in the future.

Based on a reliable website Sammobile has suggested about the new smartphone model, it is divided into two G960FXXU0AQI5 and G965FXXU0AQI5 models. The Sm-G960 will be the Galaxy S9, while the SM-G955 is the Galaxy S9 Plus. Although the development of firmware for the new Galaxy S9 has just begun, it is expected that the top smartphone will not be revealed in the future. This year, to wait until next year (2018) to be broken up.

The rumors suggest that the Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus will feature a screen similar to the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus. We can expect this young smartphone to get a higher level of enhanced performance, both faster and faster RAM. The predecessor and the camera are more capable.

Soon, we will know more about the features and features of the S9 and S9 Plus smartphones, and we will keep posting for you as well. Continue.

Two of the Galaxy S9 are in the production line waiting to be launched next year 2018 Two of the Galaxy S9 are in the production line waiting to be launched next year 2018 Reviewed by virak on October 02, 2017 Rating: 5

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